Spotlight On: World Wide Technology, Inc.

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As a leader in technology solutions with its global headquarters located right here in St. Louis, World Wide Technology, Inc. is making massive strides for cleaner air in the region with a commitment to preserve the environment by building a better, cleaner future.

A proud supporter and fifth-year participant in the St. Louis Green Business Challenge, WWT received the Star Circle of Excellence Achievement Award and secured the second place title at the Champion Level in 2019. Challenge Champion companies are those that completed work with the Leader scorecard in past years and commit to continued implementation of deeper sustainability strategies within their organization. The scorecard guides advanced efforts such as completing a greenhouse gas inventory, reducing energy use by at least 25%, and striving toward a 75% or greater waste diversion rate.

Among WWT’s impressive accomplishments to receive recognition in the 2019 Challenge was the establishment of new Green Teams, both nationally and internationally, to update all members on local initiatives and brainstorm ideas for events to promote sustainability. WWT also implemented sub-committees to focus on green education for employees and rolling out a new recycling center for the St. Louis location.

WWT introduced a number of new partnerships to help work towards sustainability, including one with Goby, Inc. to validate and improve the accuracy of their energy and water usage. The company also partnered with Bayer to host the third annual Greenwood Cemetery Clean-Up where volunteers cleaned and maintained the historic cemetery. Another collaboration with Adonis Recycling collected more than 12,800 pounds of employee E-waste, which also helped to improve the region’s air quality!

To further reduce environmental impact, WWT expanded their composting program to include coffee grounds, coffee stirrers, coffee filters, tea bags and hot cup sleeves in all of the company’s St. Louis offices. Digital Media Signage Boards, flyers and posters were also put on display to educate WWT’s employees about the importance of composting. Since last July alone, WWT composted more than 7,544 pounds of waste, with the total amount of waste composted exceeding four tons. Other green activities included a series of “Lunch and Learns” to educate employees about recycling and sustainable initiatives both at home and in the workplace, featuring St. Louis Composting, Forest Park Forever and TREX.

Additionally, WWT hosted an Earth Day Vendor Fair and America Recycles Day Event to promote volunteer opportunities and environmental education for all employees. The company also introduced a “Mug Shots” campaign where employees posted selfies with their favorite mugs to encourage the use of reusable mugs instead of disposable ones.

The Clean Air Partnership is pleased to recognize the efforts of businesses such as World Wide Technology, Inc., that continue to take action for cleaner air by channeling their time and energy towards practicing sustainability. For additional information on how your company can get involved in the St. Louis Green Business Challenge, visit To learn more about the link between sustainability and air quality, explore our website, like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter at @gatewaycleanair.