With a commitment to environmental sustainability through internal and community actions, Missouri American Water continues to deliver clean, safe and reliable water for its more than 1.5 million customers. While it may not seem like these actions directly relate to air quality, you might be surprised to learn that the company is making massive strides for cleaner air in the region by preventing air pollution, promoting sustainability and enhancing the natural environment.
Missouri American Water strictly follows regulations that are set by local authorities as well as federal standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to not only ensure the highest quality of water, but to exceed the environmental expectations of its stakeholders and establish new benchmarks by which others in the industry will be measured. Because of their everyday work with the Missouri River, Missouri American Water maintains a special responsibility for river and watershed stewardship. This is reflected in the events and scorecard tasks they chose to make a priority during the 2019 Green Business Challenge, where the company received the Star Circle of Excellence Achievement Award and secured the third-place title at the Champion Level.
Among Missouri American Water’s impressive accomplishments to receive recognition in the Challenge was the continued partnership with Missouri River Relief, Open Space Council, Great Rivers Greenway and Missouri Stream Team to sponsor and participate in river clean-up events at St. Joseph, Parkville, Brunswick, Jefferson City, Fenton and various other St. Louis County locations. The company hosted an employee electronics recycling event where over 2,000 pounds of eWaste was recycled, including cell phones, digital cameras, computer equipment, a water heater and more. Moreover, Missouri American Water continued support for Missouri Prescription Pill and Drug Disposal (P2D2), a nonprofit that provides environmentally safe alternatives to disposing of medications in sewer systems or the landfill, which is also a win for the region’s air quality!
Other noteworthy innovations include year-round customer education covering topics from seasonal water conservation to preventing plumbing leaks. These special outreach efforts helped introduce global campaign resources like Imagine a Day Without Water, National Fix-a-Leak Week and more to the region. Missouri American Water also hosted a Biodiversity Lunch-and-Learn where almost every employee in attendance downloaded the citizen science app iNaturalist to explore plant and animal species at work and at home.
Additionally, Missouri American Water donated $10,000 to Missouri River Relief toward a motor for their new 28-foot boat, which was constructed especially for the group’s extensive public engagement clean-ups. River Relief’s work supports water quality for three Missouri American Water treatment plants that draw water from the Missouri River, their shared conservation focus.
The Clean Air Partnership is pleased to recognize the efforts of organizations such as Missouri American Water that continue to make sustainability a priority and help people all across the region breathe easier. For additional information on how your company can get involved in the St. Louis Green Business Challenge, visit www.stlouisgreenchallenge.com. To learn more about the link between sustainability and air quality, explore our website, like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter at @gatewaycleanair.