25 Resolutions to Live Greener in the New Year

While it’s hard to believe we’re already wrapping up the first month of 2025, many have already established resolutions to better themselves in the new year. Even so, it’s never too late to consider making additional goals that not only enrich your life but also benefit the region’s air quality. 

Whatever that may look like for you; whether it be looking to reduce waste, conserve energy or embrace a more sustainable diet, there are countless ways to make a positive difference. By integrating green practices into your resolutions, you can contribute to the health of our planet while inspiring others to follow suit. Here are 25 ideas to get you started: 

  1. Adjust the thermostat by turning it down two degrees in winter and up two degrees in summer to decrease emissions and save money on your power bill. 
  2. Adopt a plant-based diet, even part of the time, to reduce your meat and dairy consumption as those industries are major contributors to climate change. 
  3. Avoid “topping off” your gas tank as gasoline pollutes the air when it evaporates. 
  4. Avoid vehicle idling that releases harmful chemicals, gases and particle pollution into the air. 
  5. Buy local to reduce harmful carbon emissions and grow the local economy. 
  6. Carry reusable utensils and/or straws with you to avoid the use of disposables. 
  7. Combine errands into a single trip to minimize vehicle use and related emissions. 
  8. Don’t pollute. Switch up your commute. Instead of driving to work or school every day, try taking public transit, carpooling, biking, walking, or working from home at least once a week to help improve air quality. 
  9. Ease up on the pedal while driving to significantly lower gas consumption and vehicle emissions. 
  10. Eat out at farm-to-table restaurants where food is sourced locally and reduces the need for long-distance transport. 
  11. Engage in environmental advocacy to protect the planet and do your share for cleaner air. 
  12. Focus on green cleaning products instead of ones with harsh chemicals that can negatively affect air quality. 
  13. Go paperless when possible to save trees and cut back on air pollution and water consumption associated with production and transport. 
  14. Install LED light bulbs at home or the office – they use 75% less energy than their regular counterparts. 
  15. Learn how to properly recycle and find nearby alternative recycling options to help conserve natural resources and reduce waste. 
  16. Make the switch to online banking to help save time, postage and trees. 
  17. Minimize “phantom” energy by unplugging electronic devices not in use. 
  18. Nix bottled water since single-use plastic contributes significant amounts of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere as litter lingers in landfills. 
  19. Consider an electric or hybrid vehicle to reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. 
  20. Organize your refrigerator to easily keep track of what you need to use up to avoid food waste. 
  21. Refrain from burning wood that contributes to polluted air, which will also help improve lung health. 
  22. Shop secondhand first before buying new items or try DIY items yourself to reduce excess waste. 
  23. Shop smarter online by choosing companies that offer sustainable packaging and consolidating your orders to limit excess packaging. 
  24. Start composting to promote better air quality by turning food and lawn waste into rich mulch. 
  25. Upgrade to ENERGY STAR appliances that are more efficient, cost-saving and air quality-friendly. 

For more great tips on how we can all work together to achieve cleaner air in 2025, visit the Clean Air Partnership’s website, like us on Facebook or follow us on X, formerly known as Twitter, @gatewaycleanair.  

Area Commuters Encouraged to Make Transit Your Ride in 2025

Citizens for Modern Transit’s FREE Try & Ride Program is Available to New Transit Riders

Taking MetroLink or MetroBus even a day or two a week saves commuters money on gas, maintenance and parking – it also helps them stay active and reduce stress. Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT), in partnership with St. Clair County Transit District, has therefore launched a new initiative encouraging area commuters to consider taking transit in the new year. The goal of the “Make Transit Your Ride in 2025” campaign is to connect with those new to the safe, integrated public transit system and show them how they can take advantage of CMT’s FREE Try & Ride Program that provides personalized route information, helpful resources and complimentary transit tickets. With transportation-related emissions being one of the biggest contributors to air pollution, taking public transportation is also a great way to reduce harmful vehicle emissions to help keep the air quality in healthy ranges.

“Transit is a great consideration for those looking to save money, increase exercise and reduce stress in the new year,” said Kimberly Cella, executive director of Citizens for Modern Transit. “Research shows transit users can save more than $13,000 per year just by using public transit. They can also increase steps by walking to and from transit centers and reduce stress by sitting back, relaxing and enjoying the ride instead of navigating roadways and fighting traffic congestion.”

CMT’s FREE Try & Ride program was developed to help those who are new to public transportation test and learn the transit system. It helps first-time users determine exactly how to get to where they need to go using MetroLink, MetroBus or a combination of the two, provides tips for using the system and a free monthly pass. The program requires riders to commit to utilizing the bus or train for one additional month at their own expense, for a total of two months.

CMT’s Try & Ride Program has been credited with helping more than 7,000 workday and school commuters learn how to successfully navigate public transit. To learn more about the “Make Transit Your Ride in 2025” campaign or to register for the program, visit CMT-STL.org.

For more information on the link between sustainable transportation and air quality, visit the Clean Air Partnership’s website at CleanAir-StLouis.com, like us on Facebook, or follow us on X, formerly known as Twitter, @gatewaycleanair.